"Foe Life NEXT Magazine Issue #6 Fall 2024" いよいよリリース‼
お待たせ致しました。現在、NEXT Magazine 最新号 Issue #6 が、全国一斉発売で開始いたしました。
Foe Life NEXT Magazine Issue #6 Fall 2024 1.100 yen (Tax-in) / (全94p)
Japan x LosAngeles Sellection Special
今回は JAPAN x LOS ANGELES セレクションスペシャル !! 本場 L.A.と JAPAN の選りすぐりのローライダーをピックアップの他、巻頭の "FUKUOKA NIGHT CRUISING" や L.A. 最新インドアショー "THE TAKEOVER SUPER SHOW" の模様をお届けいたします。
弊誌オフィシャルショップ『 B.B.B GARAGE WEB SHOP 』にて NEXT MAGAZINE Issue #6 販売開始致しました。 是非ご利用ください。
►►► Foe Life NEXT Magazine Issue #6 先行予約 ◀◀◀
本号、予想外の反響により在庫数が極端に少ないです。 お求めはお早めにお願い致します。
“Foe Life NEXT Magazine Issue #6 Fall 2024” to be published on October 23 (Japan time)
Thank you for your patience. We are pleased to announce that the latest issue of NEXT Magazine, Issue #6, will be released simultaneously nationwide on October 23 (Wed.).
Please note that there may be delays in some areas due to weather and printing problems. Please understand this in advance.
Stores handling NEXT Magazine Issue #6 and pre-orders will be updated on this page as they become available.
Please wait for a while until the issue is published.
For Life NEXT Magazine No. 6, Fall 2024
(Publication in the U.S. will be in 1-2 weeks.)
►►► Magazine Advertising Support Desk ◀◀◀
又、NEXT Magazine Issue #6 発刊に向けまして、前号" #5 Los Angeles Special " e-books Editon を先行配信開始致しました。
In preparation for the publication of NEXT Magazine Issue #6, the previous issue “#5 Los Angeles Special” e-books editon is now available.

We hope you will take advantage of this service, which can be enjoyed anywhere in the world from your mobile device.
Foe Life NEXT Magazine Official Shop
We have various back issues of our magazine.